Detector Pro Headphones-Accessories
Detecting Pal-Detector Strap
Detector Pro Detecting Pal The new, easy to use body harness that takes the weight of ..
Gray Ghost Amphibian II Headphones incorporate a number of dramatic improvements in weatherproof/sub..
Detector Pro Black Widow
Detector Pro Black Widow headphones were designed to accommodate the professional detectorist wit..
Detector Pro Gray Ghost Blue Tooth
Detector-Pro Gray Ghost BT Has this ever happened to you? You’re out metal detecti..
Detector Pro Grey Ghost Amphibian Headphones
Gray Ghost Amphibian Headphone (pat.pend.) incorporates a number of dramatic improvements in we..
Detector Pro Grey Ghost Deep Woods Headphones
The Gray Ghost Deep Woods is designed for the die-hard relic hunter. We’ve improved our Or..
Detector Pro Grey Ghost NDT Headphones
Detector Pro-Grey Ghost NDT Means "No Down Time!" Built on the solid foundation of the Origin..
Detector Pro Jolly Rogers Ultimate
NEW Jolly Rogers Ultimates have Dual Volume Controls and our famous Limiter Circuit. Everything you ..
Detector Pro Original Gray Ghost Headphones
Detector Pro Original Gray Ghost® is designed for the demanding professional coin, relic, a..
Detector Pro Rattler
Detector Pro Rattler, The NEW Rattler headphone is designed to allow hearing outside noises in o..
Detector Pro Treasure Ears
Detector Pro Treasure Ears The NEW Treasure Ears headphones were designed to satisfy the demand ..
Detector Pro-Gray Ghost Gold for Minelab
Detector Pro-Gray Ghost Gold for Minelab Designed to be used on the Minelab Metal Detectors, thes..
Detector Pro-Ultimate Gray Ghost® headphones
Detector Pro-Ultimate Gray Ghost® headphones The Ultimate Gray Ghost® is our new no-holds-ba..
DetectorPro Gray Ghost Amphibian II Waterproof Headphones for Equinox Series
Detector-Pro Gray Ghost Amphibian II Waterproof Headphones for Minelab Equinox Series Detecto..
DetectorPro Jolly Rogers
Jolly Rogers are smaller and lighter but still engineered tough for the beginner and the professiona..
Gray Ghost Amphibian II Headphones for Deus 2
Gray Ghost Amphibian II Headphones for Deus 2 Metal Detectors Gray Ghost Amphibian II Headphones ..