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About Us

We are the #1 Metal Detector Dealer across Texas. 

Factory direct, and Authorized USA dealer for Garrett, Nokta, Makro, Minelab, Detector Pro, and XP Metal Detectors.

Welcome to my about page and a little more:

Hi, My name is John Cline and I am the owner and operator of usadetectors.com. I began as a dealer in March of 2013 and I am located in Conroe Texas. My shop is online only (For Now) and I do have plans on opening a physical location in my area. Please keep checking back for those updates. I began USADetectors.com back in 2013 as a side business and it has grown tremendously into a full blown, full time home based business. I thank each one of you for that. I have been into metal detecting for many many years as you can read about below. I love the hobby and I love working with folks to get them going in the hobby too. I would like to invite you to give me a try, when the time is right for you, I know you will like the service and the personal attention you will receive at USADetectors.com.

First things first I believe service and support come at all times, before and long after a purchase is made. Each and every person deserves individual time and personal attention. I'm happy and thankful for that opportunity on a daily basis. As the sole owner of USADetectors.com I personally handle each and every order that comes through the site. I am the one who answers the phone and replies to the text messages and emails you send. You are not calling into a hub or call center then routed to an operator, "You get me!". I do get many calls at different times of the day, and if you happen to catch me while I'm on the line with a customer, rest assured I will be calling you back - so if you reach my voice mail, please either text me or leave me a quick message.


Me and my little crew metal detecting on Orange Beach AL. 8/2016

Garrett Ace 400 metal detecting the beach

Me and my Daughter treasure hunting Orange Beach, Al.

Thank you for reading.

The Best Metal Detector Dealer in the country!


As a young boy I remember going to the ocean front many times down around Corpus Christi and Padre during summer break.  I would spend most of my time and many a day just climbing around the sand dunes just day dreaming of treasure and where it could be. I remember reading about the tales of sunken ships and stories about treasures that were being found in random places all over the world, it kinda stuck to me in a way that I would never forget.  I still think about those days and the dreams of someday finding something that was left behind. Metal detecting is a great hobby for anyone, and for those of us that love the hobby, the real treasure is not so much in what you find but in the friends you find and the adventure of finding it.. 

Padre Island National SeashorePadre Island National Seashore

I have always been curious and often wondered about the hoards of gold and silver that was taled to be eaten by quicksand and never found in the Big Thicket over in east Texas. The Texas hill country is full of tall tales of those mysterious and wild outlaws hiding all their stolen loot in secret places and never being able to retrieve it. Some say most of these stories are true or so they say… But there is always some level truth to the tales. In my mind there had to be, After all, it is what dreams are made of. Thank you for reading.. John C.

Thank you …. John Cline- USADetectors.com, Small Business Owner-Houston, Conroe, Texas